Fumuda Species in Tabitha Reeves: SPACE GIRL! | World Anvil
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The fumuda are a sophont species created and uplifted by the Mollugs of Chigon IV.   While not a hive mind, colony groups share information processing, memory, and command/control functions. Isolated fumuda are thereby "dumb" -- they lack the power to reason or even effectively move. When in contact with other fumuda, however, they create a colony link. The larger the colony (in terms of number of fumuda individuals in contact with each other) the "smarter" it is.   Colony minds have distinct personalities, which appears to indicate that individual fumuda differ from each other.

Basic Information


Fumuda are amorphous "slimes" capable of creating appendages and pseudopods as needed for work or movement. They secrete an oil that is responsive to certain vibrations and chemical signals fumuda produce. This oil can be used to stiffen and strengthen fumuda extensions, but can also be broken down and reabsorbed. Individual fumuda do not general secrete this oil, and it is most commonly used by colony groups to aid in movement and construction work.

Biological Traits

It is difficult at best to track individual fumuda. They may very well be immortal. But as the personality and memories of a fumuda changes as it joins or leaves a colony mind, no reliable study has been conclusive on this matter.

Genetics and Reproduction

Fumuda reproduce by asexual binary fission.

Dietary Needs and Habits

In addition to biomatter (nearly any organic compound will do) Fumuda require minerals commonly found in the swamps and bogs of Chigon IV. These are digested by the excretion of a solvent. Once dissolved, the food and the solvent are reabsorbed by the slime.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While lacking specialized organs, fumuda cells react to light, sound waves, and vibration/touch. They also react to different chemical compositions, which, while not strictly a taste or smell sense, bears resemblance to these senses.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Fumuda have entered a socially symbiotic relationship with their creator species, the Mollugs

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Individual fumuda do not use names. Colonies typically refer to themselves either by geographic location, such as the Gerrit Bay Colony, or by the project the colony is currently involved with.

Average Technological Level

Fumuda are an interstellar species. They typically travel with mollug ships, which the fumuda have built based on mollug ideas.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Fumuda do not have a complex culture. They have no general traditions or customs. Fumuda colonies will participate in mollug rituals or observances if invited, however.   The one thing that distinguishes fumuda culturally is sculpture. Being engineers, colonies will of create elaborate aesthetic structures with no formal function. Fumuda sculpture is typified as having the appearance of fragility or instability. However, these structures are thoroughly planned and generally cannot be casually damaged.


Mollugs created fumuda as a tool, not intending to uplift them. Mollug hands are awkward and they desired a motile tool to complete complicated tasks. The first fumuda were programmable.   Approximately three centuries ago, advanced programming of fumuda led to an accidental singularity -- fumuda colonies of sufficient size became capable of independent thought, motivation, and self will. While alarming at first, mollug society quickly adapted to the neighbors they had accidentally created. In large part this was due to practical concerns. Mollug minds are not very practical, and tend to think in deep theoretical paths.   Fumuda, on the other hand, are very focused on applied learning. They are the engineers to the mollug scientists. This is how fumuda intelligence first manifested, in fact. A project was falling behind deadlines because the mollug participants kept being distracted by other concepts outside the project scope. The fumuda colony they were working with proposed an efficient design to complete the project, allowing the mollugs to continue their theoretical proposals.
It is recommend, for the Forging Worlds with Tale Foundry challenge, to start with the summary article, and then read the articles in the navigation order at the bottom.
Average Weight
~ 0.5 grams
Average Length
1mm - 3mm
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Fumuda appear black, but very close examinations reveal blue and violet hues.

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