Kimo'ezcii (kee - moh - EZ - kee - ee)
Nyety / Archivist Kimo'ezcii (a.k.a. Kimo)
Physical Description
Identifying Characteristics
True to his role as a spy for the Enthar Empire, Kimo doesn't have any extreme identifying features. While naturally pale, he takes to darkening under the sun fairly successfully and therefore can adapt relatively well to fitting in with the look of locals regardless of the climate. His eyes are dark, but not so that they would stand out in any way. He has brown eyes, or he might have green in the right light, but he's careful to keep his level of eye contact neither too long nor too short, to avoid standing out by being considered overly bold or particularly shy.
Apparel & Accessories
Mental characteristics
Although he is careful to keep his feelings locked down tight, Kimo would likely be considered demiromantic and demisexual, leaning towards homosexual.
Kimo'ezcii currently acts as Nyety for Emperor It'varkei, a secret profession, known only to a handful of individuals on the Vekriser (all chosen by the Emperor to be personally let into the secret). Nyety, are spies, that act outside of the law, answering only to the Emperor himself. Given the task of infiltrating Tinobi, to learn more about the foreign Shiften, Kimo'ezcii has spent a decade on the far-off island, recently gaining employment in The Library itself.
As both Nyety (for the Magarch Emperor) and Archivist (for the Prishiften), Kimo'ezcii's sole goal is to gain knowledge. For the Magarch, this includes details on everything about Tinobian culture, and where they might be weakest as a people against the Empire's wishes to bring the Tinobian Shiften to heel. In The Library, his primary area of study is that of ancient cultures, literally acting as an archivist (although all library employees hold that title) of the huge amount of ancient texts that Tinobi's capital city contains within their hidden walls.
Failures & Embarrassments
Although Kimo'ezcii has proven himself over the past decade as an invaluable Infiltrator, his original appointment to Tinobi was not considered a privilege, but a punishment. No Nyety before had succeeded in getting close enough to The City, and in prior years, three had "gone missing" after (at most) a year on Tinobian soil. After Kimo'ezcii caught the eye of one of Magarch It'varkei's "pets" (Kimo considers allowing himself to get close to the man to be his greatest failure) he was sent to Tinobi with the full knowledge that he would likely be discovered and executed by the Shiften before the year was out. Luckily for him, that was not to be the case.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Nyety, Third Archivist of Ancient Cultures, Archivist of The Library
Date of Birth
18th of Araemia, 3125 FB
Enthar Empire
Current Residence
The Library
Dark brown, undertone of green
Black, almost brown, flexible
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale , tans naturally
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I always love your characters and how you shove them into your worlds. This bb boi is no exception here. I also really love his face << Another beautiful character!