Uniona Species in Synergetica | World Anvil
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A peaceful and curious folk that travels through space to collect knowledge and share it with others.   Besides the exception of their pale skin and horn on their forehead the Uniona look exactly like humans.   With the huge space-ship Zeiramina they left their home centuries ago.   The Uniona were the first race that humanity encountered after traveling through a wormhole.

Basic Information


A pale skin and a horn on their forehead, that glows in different colors based on their emotions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Uniona are vegetarians. They are able to live without any kind of food for a long time.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Uniona are able to use telepathy. This ability only works within a radius of about one kilometer.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Uniona have no surnames.
The last syllable of their names differ between their genders.
Males are named with IO, like Alexio and females are named with IA, like Alexia.

Major Organizations

The Uniona are part of the Galactic Space Union Synergetica.

Gender Ideals

Both genders are equal and can achieve the same positions in society.

Courtship Ideals

The Uniona are a peaceful race, so they have no intention to punish someone.

Average Technological Level

The creation of the huge space-ship Zeiramina.
A cluster-network-database to store collected knowledge.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Because of the journey through various galaxies the Uniona learned an uncountable number of languages and dialects.

Common Dress Code

They mainly wear long robes.


Long time ago the Uniona reached for the stars to to satisfy their insatiable hunger for knowledge.   They all worked together to create the Zeiramina and left their home planet soon after.   Soon enough they landed on the first foreign planet and shared all their knowledge with its inhabitants.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Uniona are a passive folk with no known enemies.
They help everyone who needs help.
200 years
Average Height
1.80 - 2.10m
Average Weight
50 - 70 kg

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