Zareshiki Settlement in Sunset Hollow | World Anvil
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Grand Port of Zareshiki

Poplulation as of 777: approx. 105,000
Predominent Races: Human, Tabaxi, Genasi, Triton, Half-Elf, Tiefling, Elf, Merfolk, Gnome, Halfling, Ratfolk

Zareshiki is the grand port of the Crimson Sea and gateway to the holy Setareh Desert region. The city brings folk from around the world who travel to trade for the valuable spices, cloth, and gems from the region. It also sees a large number explorers and adventurers from across world seeking to uncover the secrets and tombs of the ancient kings of the desert. The city is built in the fertil river valley of the Narouz River where it flows into the Crimson Sea. The city is well known for its beautiful architecture featuring gilded onion domed buildings and towers, high terraces that look out over the city, and its flowing canals bustling with trade. It is said you can find anything you desire in this city.

  • Palace District - The grand palace compound, home to the Sultan, their harem, and their family.
  • Garden of Setare - One of the noble districts within the city. A garden surrounded by the homes of nobles.
  • Garden of Derakht -One of the noble districts within the city. A garden surrounded by the homes of nobles.
  • The Grand Port - The grand port where people ship and trade foreign goods
  • The Foreign District - Sector of the city where foreigners and traders live while in the city.
  • The Grand Bazaar - The largest market and commerce center of the city
  • The Law District - Various municipal buildings, central constabulary office , jail, and courts
  • Learning District - Grand theater, Museum, Library, Planetarium, School of Physicians, and College of Poets, Temple of the Genie Lords
  • Free District - Largest district in the city. Homes and small businesses of the lower classes.

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