Sundered cosmos Discovery of Krypis
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Discovery of Krypis

Discovery, Exploration


While studying the Quan, an ancient race whose machines were the main reason for Casantoa's camp, Zantis discovered that all of the sites where large amounts of Quan devices were found seemed to circle around a central point. Casantoa, Zantis, and Shimra flew to this place in an Ornithopter. Once there they found a large Quan city, which Zantis named Krypis. They landed and wandered among the ruins of the city, and when they finally got to the center of the city they found a great machine powered by a Quan Mana Battery. While inspecting the machine there was an explosion; when they awoke from the aftermath each brother was holding one half of the great battery in his hand.   After the explosion, each brother became increasingly hostile towards one another. The stones seemed to have odd effects on both living and nonliving things. Zantis' stone, which he named the Amp-Node, seemed to make things stronger than normally possible, while Shimra's stone sapped the strength from both artifacts and living creatures. Zantis named this the Syphon Core. Another effect the visit to Krypis had was that Mishra had disturbing dreams about darkness, trying to lure him to somewhere.   One night after drinking Shimra went to confront Zantis and tried to take the stone from him, the fight was heard around the camp, and when Casantoa tried to stop the brothers she was caught in between the power surging from the two stones and died. Shimra, ashamed at what he had caused, fled during the confusion that followed.

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