Tactician's Provisions Tradition / Ritual in Sundered Cosmos | World Anvil
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Tactician's Provisions

The Cartographers want to see those they have commissioned to succeed at their missions; they have adopted the tradition of granting certain provisions when an adventurer accepts a commission.

Tactician's Provisions

Equipment, Loyalty Boon 1+
Your Guild sponsor provides you two free consumable Items to use on your mission. When selecting your free consumable item at the beginning of the adventure, you gain both one item of your level or lower from the options available, and you gain a second item whose item level is no greater than half your level (minimum 1). This Boon isn't permanent and can be taken once per session or mission.
Level Consumable
1 Lesser Leaper's Elixir, Potency Crystal, Shining Ammunition
3 Beacon Shot, Bronze Bull Pendant, Effervescent Ampoule, Feather Step Stone, Jade Cat, Lesser Bravo's Brew, Lesser Mistform Elixir Oil of Mending, Onyx Panther, Savior Spike, Silversheen
5 Barkskin Potion, Bloodseeker Beak, Climbing Bolt, Dragon Turtle Scale, Emerald Grasshopper, Shark Tooth Charm
7 Greater Leaper's Elixir, Swift Block Cabochon
9 Devotion Oil, Greater Cheetah's Elixir, Potion of Quickness, Storm Arrow
11 Moderate Bravo's Brew, Oil of Keen Edges
15 Dazing Coil, Greater Bravo's Brew
— Pathfinder Society Guide to Organized Play p24
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