Gorm Greathammer Character in Sundered Cosmos | World Anvil
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Gorm Greathammer

Although third in line for the Sky Citadel Kraggodan’s throne, Gorm Greathammer (LN male dwarf raconteur) has always been drawn to the adventuring lifestyle, and his passion drew him to the Pathfinder Society decades ago. He has since distinguished himself as an explorer and chronicler with numerous publications to his name and countless stories to retell. Even so, he has regularly returned home to help administrate the sky citadel. After withstanding the exhausting Ironfang Invasion and directing peace negotiations with Molthune, he returned to the Grand Lodge on an extended leave of absence from Kraggodan. He now oversees the Grand Archive, promoting scholarship and uncovering centuries-old mysteries to solve at long last. Yet those who would expect the Grand Archive’s leader to be a shy, spectacled sage are in for a surprise; Gorm is daring, boisterous, and ready to get his hands dirty alongside his allies.

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