Calisro Benarry Character in Sundered Cosmos | World Anvil
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Calisro Benarry

Hailing from the Sodden Lands, Calisro Benarry (N female half-orc corsair) is a pirate-turned-Pathfinder who made her name as venture-captain of the Arcadian Mariner’s Lodge, a ship-borne Pathfinder lodge aboard the Grinning Pixie, whose command passed between venture-captains every few years. Bucking tradition, Benarry commanded the wheel for a decade, oversaw exploration of the dreaded Gloomspires, and traveled widely before recently being ordered to surrender the ship. She considers that no excuse to settle down, though, and has poured her energy into inspiring curiosity, tenacity, and wanderlust in the Society as a whole, spearheading the Horizon Hunters faction.

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