Ash Town Document in Strava | World Anvil
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Ash Town

Entry 1: I've heard rumors about a second town underground. I've asked for leave from the academy to investigate this. I will start asking in Trish Town.   Entry 2: I've made it to Trish Town. This place is depressing. I heard that the "undesirables" are sent her. I can understand the criminals, but there's also orphans, sick people, and some that look deformed, why were they sent here? Aside from that, I have to focus on why I came here. The food is horrible but I must endure.   Entry 5: FINALLY! I found a lead. A hunter told me he saw signs of people living deep in the cave systems. I also learned why the food is bad. There's no animals here so they live off of giant spiders, mushrooms, and underground plants, the worst of all is what he told me about trolls, if they find one they use their regenerative property to harvest meat. I do not understand how they live like this. I will begin my journey after I gather the neccessary equipment and rations. I will avoid meat for the next year or so.   Entry 10: I think I found the signs the hunter was talking about. They seem to be warning signs, written in blood. There is also an odd smell here.   Entry 12: I saw one of them. I think. It was definitely humanoid in shape, but their entire body was covered in thick clothing and they wore a mask, similar to what the miners of old used to wear. They stared at me for minutes while I was trying to talk to them, before point behind me and leaving.   Entry 13: I think my exhaustion is messing with my head. I could swear I keep hearing sounds when I set up camp.   Entry 20: I found it. It was as if I stepped into a horror play. The town was covered in ash, everyone was like the first person I saw, thick clothing, miner's mask, the dread silence. There was smoke everywhere, or was it fog? I can't seem to remember clearly. They started chasing me with whatever weapon they had with near them. One of them cut off my arm, I'm bleeding heavily.   Entry 21: I'm close to death the noises close s ee man close smilfang hel
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