The Bright Path Organization in Stellar Hegemony | World Anvil
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The Bright Path

High Concept:

Trouble Aspect:

The Bright Path are a utopian sect somewhat like buddhists but they believe in removing all sources of worldly pain and strife, there's currently heavy debates in the religion as to what this means, whether it's becoming immune through enduring or chemically altering, the orthodoxy tends more towards the former with most splinter sects tending towards the latter. Many followers tend to fall heavily into straight out Hedonism. It is currently the most popular religion within House Cyrus controlled space


Lama - Leader of the Church   Brother - Ordained ministers   Acolyte - Supplicants of lower ranks than the brothers

Divine Origins

Developed naturally out of the grim reality of life within House Cyrus Space

Tenets of Faith

Strive to mitigate future suffering
Be charitable to others especially those also on the Path


Needless suffering is considered a sin
Calm is a virtue


The appropriate rite upon entering a place of worship is to obtain a willow swath from the dishes near the entry to a monastery or chapel and chew it to begin service.


The Lama preside they are appointed by a council once having grasped the necessary religious tenants and they are deemed worthy through proven appropriate application of tenants

Political Influence & Intrigue

It's sort of like a mirror of the typical outlook of House Cyrus citizens, House Cyrus is a straight up rat race where the bright path followers tend to take a more measured approach to life


Branch Bright Path Cultists of Mefein - They believe in chemical alteration to achieved enlightened states, much beyond the basics
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Notable Members

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