Wayriri Ethnicity in Staterra | World Anvil
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  Wayriri su vrsta inžinjera koji su se davno odvojili od svoje braće. Raspršili su se diljem Staterre, ali danas ih se najviše može naći u putujućim karavanama, mračnim zabitima i ponajviše Ruventarskom gradu Helmeri.  

Prisutnost u Helmeri

  Helmera Jedino mjesto večeg tehnološkog progresa u Ruventaru nalazi se u gradu Helmeri, starolordijskog grada izgrađenim na ruševinama Tatrakena, jedne od prvih Inžinjerskih kolonija,koji i dan danas sadrži manjinsku populaciju inžinjera wayrira. Wayriri i drugi inžinjeri zato su dobrodošli u Ruventar i uvelike nesmetano mogu prelazi preko Imperijsko-Ruventarske granice. Imperija Wayririma ovu radnju službeno brani, ali zbog prevelike potrošnje resursa na sam rat, ne može puno učiniti da spriječi prelazak Wayrira preko granice. Danas su Wayriri najpoštovanija klasa u Helmeri, oni tamo obnašaju funkcije "znanstvenika", zaštitara, te podmazuju i održavaju brojne stare strojeve iz davnih doba koji se još uvijek mogu nači u gradu.  


  Najpoznatiji fenomen ove grupe inžinjera jest rađanje sa Familiarom. Ovaj Familiar pak nije prosječni Familiar. Govori se da ga inžinjer wayrin odlučuje još dok je u majcinoj utrobi i ostaje povezan sa njime kroz cijeli život. Familiar kojeg ovakav inžinjer može prizvati zauvijek ima jedan oblik i izgleda kao sagrađen od crnog kamena ili stijene, popunjen svijtlećim tetovažama koje oponašaju one kakav i njegov inžinjer ima. Nitko nezna što je dovelo do ove pojave, čak i sami Wayriri nisu sigurni. Vjeruje se pak da je ovo samo nuspojava njihove magične odcijepljenosti od njihove "kolijevke" odnosno Frosta. Ta odvojenost zato je mogla pruzročiti različite anomalije koje nisu prisutne u drugih vrsta inžinjera.
Encompassed species

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Ability Score Increase +1 con
Size Small
Speed 25ft

Age- 600-700 years normally,around 400 years if the engeener is using magic   Engeenering magic-you gain the abbility to cast a variety of spells:   Level/Spells   0.-mage hand,mending,mold earth   1.-find familliar(only wayrir)*   2.-Pyrotechnics   spellcasting abbility- constitution -You can use all spells except cantrips once per day,you gain all of them at first level   Born with marks- you gain an advantage on wis saving throws that relate to psy attacks   Frostlore- you have profficiences in useing all engeener specific weaponry and devices   Subrace- There are four types depending on where the engeener hails from:   -Wayrir The Wayrir are a group of engeeners who first left frost in search of new lands,their spells and lifestyle adapted to this.   The strife of exploring: you gain +1 to wisdom,and a proficiency in perception fi you dont already have it.   By the black stone - you gain the ability to cast find fammiliar at will,at the cost of it having only one form. The fammiliar can have any form and can be as big as a common dog. The fammiliar is made of black stone and has the same tattoo pattern as the engeener controlling it. The fammiliar can be ordered to disassemble into a small black stone with a destinctive mark on it. The stone is small enough to fit in someones palm.The fammiliar will also return to this stone if it hits 0 hp. The familliar and the engeener must at all times be in range of the spell with each oder or they will both suffer death. At levels 5,10,15 and 20 you can also spend a full day working on your fammiliar to enhance its abilities to a raesonable degree (discuss with your dm). In addition,the fammiliar can deal damage.     -Oldborn The Oldborn are the direct descendants of the original engeener fammilys and as such have very special skills and tattoos,representing their family :   Marks of the family-you choose between these marks when creating an oldborn engeener:   Grungram: you gain proficiency in nature and animal handling,you can choose one cantrip out of the druid spell list and add it to your racial spell list   Svirflar: you gain the proficiency in slight of hand and a tool set of your choice,you gain an advantage on all non-magic checks in checking the quality of a given item, learning by whose hand was it made and similar checks.   Skagrim: you gain proficiency in history, you also gain the "durable" feat     -Yellowmark Yellowmarks are the most common type of engeener found in frost and the area surrounding it. They are the engeeners that never left frost and the origin of their families is now long lost.Their marks changed rapidly and adapted to every situation they found themselves in,giving them the boost they needed to survive the harsh climate of the Frost mountain.   Volcanic hearth: You have 3 hearth points.You gain 1d4-1 hearth points apon a long rest. You can use one of these points for the following: 1.Gaining advatnage on your next attack 2.Gaining a temporary proficiency for the duration of your next roll 3.Hitting critical on your next attack 4.Removing disadvantage After using a hearth point in 1d4 round(player rolls) you will gain an exhaustion point and will not be able to use a hearth point for another 1d6 hours (dm rolls)   -Crossblood Crossbloods are engeener children born from two oldborn engeeners of diffrent families.These cursed children are the outcasts of engeener society,and are not difficult to point out because of their wildly unique markings.These crossblood however,have one ally on their hand.Since such a unique existance attracts unique beings,a god of luck almost always smiles upon such a creature,giving them guidance trought their life,sometimes without the crossblood even knowing. Some say this is the case,some others say their unnatural birght is,and some say they are all just demons.Whatever the case these crossbloods are really lucky,but also quite the opposite.   Cursed luck - You have infinite luck points.Every time you use a luck point, a random negative magical effect will accour,this effect can be from the wild magic table,or any other random magical effect table of the dm-s choice. The dm will roll on a table until a negative effect is reached.If you use more then 5 luck point between a long rest,the dm rolls 2 negative magical effects and one more for every 5 luck points used between long rests.

Languages. common dwarwish elwish


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