The Arcanamirium Organization in Starfinder | World Anvil
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The Arcanamirium

Nestled prominently in the Eye, the Arcanamirium’s metallic dome and soaring archways make it one of the most iconic locations in Absalom Station. The Arcanamirium merges cutting edge engineering with in-depth magical theory. Here, science is the gateway to truth, and the mystic arts unlock the underpinnings of the universe. The university’s vaults can be its most unique institutional asset; containing alien artifacts, ancient magical items, and pre-Gap writings, the vaults are a treasure trove for esotericists and other scholars of magic untouched by technology.   Though the Arcanamirium’s facilities are top-notch, advanced students are encouraged to seek lab space elsewhere. Labs in the Arcanamirium proper have to be shared, so renting private lab space allows a student to focus full-time on a thesis project. Fortunately, the Brainery, Freemarkets, and Lorespire all offer inexpensive rentals, and grants to fund lab space are available for applicants that can convince a review committee their project is worthwhile.   Collaboration is a key principle at the Arcanamirium. Faculty and students note with pride how much of an Arcanamirium education takes place beyond its walls. Intense classroom discussions spill out into Jatembe Park, coffee shops, and magical clubs like the Brainery. Students test out their ideas in late-night debates with their peers before bringing the best theories back to the laboratory for eventual development into new spells, fusions, and other magical effects. To keep up with the curriculum’s crushing pace, Arcanamirium students band together into study clubs so intense that participants end up either closer than family or bitter enemies. Some students swear it’s better to share a study club with rivals than with friends; there’s less danger of distraction, and your relationship with your fellow scholars can’t possibly get worse.   While most other institutions have job fairs and MAGIC ACADEMY showcases to help their students find careers, the Arcanamirium places most of its students into jobs in academia or industry even before they graduate. Promising students intern with AbadarCorp and other corporations that have a presence on the station, many of whom endow scholarships for their student workers. Bolder graduates set up a stall in Freemarkets to become entrepreneurs. Collaborations and cross-disciplinary studies are not just encouraged but required. Engineering-focused technomancers are encouraged to work with mystics, esotericists, and witchwarpers. Above all, students interact with colleagues from other species, genders, and worldviews, broadening their experience and challenging their preconceptions.
Educational, School/Academy

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