Archon Species in Starfinder | World Anvil
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Archons are celestials, or good outsiders, native to Heaven.   The powers of Heaven have watched technological and magical progress in the mortal realm with skeptical eyes. Knowledge is power, after all, and power corrupts. In this age of advanced science and technomagical prowess, that corrupting influence is more threatening than ever.   Power archons are servitors of the Outer Planes tasked with tempering mortals’ obsession with technology. These virtuous engineers travel to the Material Plane to disable or destroy technology their celestial masters consider to be too corrupting to leave in the hands of mortals. What warrants such intervention is as mysterious as any other instance of celestial meddling. Once power archons are set on a mission, though little can dissuade them, but they talk first and fight only when they must.   Power archons can control the energy that powers technological devices, leading some to refer to them as “battery archons.” They are skilled techs and hackers who lend their skills to good causes, including missions led by barachius Angel.

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