Killian Terrik (Lee) Character in Starcrawlers and Killjoys in the Starpilots Grimspace | World Anvil
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Killian Terrik (Lee)

Killian Terrik

Physical Description

Body Features

slightly blue/purple skin tone. Very subtle, just enough to make him look wrong.

Special abilities

SENSE VOID: roll Void Baby Navigator to detect nearby Void activity.

VOID IMMUNITY: Void Psyker mental manipulation has no effect on Killian ("Your Jedi mind tricks don't work on me!")

VOID NAVIGATOR: May interface with ship sensors and roll on Void Baby Navigator to detect ships and entities in Void Space.

Specialized Equipment

Broken down Emmerson Starfire crashed on surface of The End (70k repair to get it operational).

Handgun (blaster)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mother was a Void Pysyker who couldn't keep from using the Void while pregnant. This caused Killian to be warped in the womb into a strange looking child with strange affinities to Void Energy.

Orphaned when his mother passed away, became a STIX ward of the state.

Fell in with organize crime types who taught him how to fly and navigate when it became obvious that he could Navigate just like someone born with the Void Gene.

Gender Identity



Standard STIX public high school level education.

Additional education "on the job" as fighter pilot, navigator. Some training in mechanics.


Used to work for the Capella Family as a fighter pilot, running escorts for smuggling, doing "enforcement", which is totally not piracy, and data courier missions.

Wealth & Financial state

1400 Cr
Known Languages
Galactic Standard, Elosian

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