TOS Season 1 Episode 22 Space Seed in Star Trek | World Anvil
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TOS Season 1 Episode 22 Space Seed


  The USS Enterprise finds the derelict SS Botany Bay adrift in space. A landing party consisting of Captain Kirk, Doctor Leonard McCoy, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, and historian Lieutenant Marla McGivers beams over to the freighter. The landing party finds a cargo of 84 humans, 72 of whom are alive in suspended animation after nearly 200 years, the other 12 having perished during the journey. McGivers identifies the group's leader, who begins to revive and is taken back to the Enterprise for a medical examination.   Kirk has Botany Bay taken in tow by a tractor beam, and Enterprise sets course for Starbase 12. In sickbay, the group's leader awakens and introduces himself as "Khan". McGivers marvels over Khan, a living relic from the 20th century, her field of interest. First Officer Spock discovers that their guest is actually Khan Noonien Singh, who, along with his people, are products of 20th-century selective breeding designed to create perfect humans. The genetic superhumans instead became tyrants and conquered more than a third of the planet during the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s; however Khan is admired by all the command-crew but Spock, in that Khan was by all measures a benevolent dictator, with no massacres under his rule, no war until he was attacked, and he had a great vision to unite humanity. Later Kirk asks Khan why he left Earth, when he was needed most; and Khan responds that the superhumans offered the world "order," but were refused.   Khan is placed under guard in quarters. McGivers is sent to brief him on current events. Taking advantage of McGivers' attraction towards him, Khan tells her he means to find a planet willing to be led by him, and needs her help to take over Enterprise. Reluctantly, she agrees, beaming Khan to Botany Bay, where he revives the rest of his people. They return to Enterprise and take control of the ship, but cannot navigate it; Khan throws Kirk into a decompression chamber, and threatens to slowly suffocate all of them unless at least one Kirk's crew agree to help Khan, promising to treat them well if they join him, and saying that improving man is better than improving machines; but not a single crew-member helps him, and Khan is dumbfounded.   Having a change of heart, McGivers frees Kirk from the chamber. Kirk and Spock vent anesthetic gas throughout the entire ship to disable Khan and his people. Khan escapes the gas and goes to Engineering, where he attempts to destroy Enterprise, but Kirk confronts him; they fight and Kirk knocks Khan unconscious.   Kirk holds a hearing to decide the fate of Khan and his people. In a shocking turn of events, Kirk drops all charges, believing that sentencing Khan and his people to a penal colony would be a terrible waste of their potential; and he offers Khan a choice to either join modern society as a commoner, or settle and rule Ceti Alpha V, an uninhabited, fertile world that he describes as "no worse than the Botany Bay Colony on Earth," and which Kirk believes would be a perfect place for Khan to "tame". Khan accepts Kirk's offer, citing Milton's Paradise Lost. Instead of a court-martial for McGivers, Kirk allows her to go with Khan. Spock notes that it would be interesting to see what Khan makes of Ceti Alpha V in 100 years.

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