Pheonix Core Building / Landmark in Spider-Man: Spiders of New York (Earth-1050) | World Anvil
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Pheonix Core

Pheonix core is a large scale company that deals with many types of business, Run by the CEO manny Quinn this company flourishes

Purpose / Function

The company was rumored to be a front for manny to do some shady things out of the public eye but these are just rumors. All in all this company is an economic powerhouse in new york.....Wonder how the families would react to this


A large skyscraper in the financial district of Manhattan. It has glass windows which allows everyone to see inside. The interior on the first floor is a large room with a desk in the center as well as a large elevator behind it. every other floor besides the top floor is an office room. The top floor is a large room with pink cotton candy walls to mirror Manny Quinns Playful and almost childlike personality.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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