Prysonik Conglomerate Organization in Spatium | World Anvil
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Prysonik Conglomerate

The Prysonik Conglomerate is a corporate entity that acts as a government on the planet Chiri 9T. The Conglomerate has been built over decades of continual acquisition of corporations throughout the universe. While Chiri 9T is the home base of the Prysonik Conglomerate, they have many outposts on and around former company locations before they were absorbed into the Conglomerate.

There is some debate about the nature of numerous acquisitions. Various suppositions have circulated in rumors, including physical violence, blackmail, and sabotage. The Personal Relations team for the Prysonik Conglomerate has denied all claims of wrongdoing.

The Prysonik Conglomerate has a hand in almost every industry in operation throughout the universe. The original company got its start in Earth oil and slowly acquired companies involved in space travel, greatly expanding their horizons. The most notable industries the Conglomerate is currently involved in include biomedical sciences, artificial intelligence, and data storage.

Working conditions at the Pryonsik Conglomerate have been the subject of much scrutiny. Several documentaries have attested to numerable abuses to employees whether they be human, artificially intelligent, or one of the many other species subjected to the atrocities of the Conglomerate. There have been attempts to unionize the Conglomerate, which is a transgression punishable by death. Those living on Chiri 9T have been subjected to the worst of the Conglomerate’s wrath in retribution.
Controlled Territories

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