Gjaki Organization in Spatium | World Anvil
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Gjaki (gh-ack-ee)

The Gjaki is a little known organization with operatives across time, space, and dimensions. They are a highly secretive group. Few have interactions with the Gjaki and live to tell the tale. The primary reason for this is that what the Gjaki do, manipulation of space-time & dimensional energy, is contrary to what most species and worlds believe about the universe. Not only that, beings do not take kindly to being manipulated. Some would even declare war on the Gjaki, calling them witches or heretics or evil rulers. Therefore, it is best if the Gjaki operate in shadows. For it is in the shadow that one learns the movements of itself.


The Reverend Mother oversees the organization and appoints Lonei to oversee their individual divisions. The Lonei appoint Djeon, each of whom is responsible for a group of operatives within a division. There are several operatives who, under special circumstances, report directly to a Lonei or even the Reverend Mother herself.


The Gjaki is a very solemn group and this shows in their culture. They are trained to see lies and danger before the transgressor even has the idea of committing the act. Most Gjaki view the world through a lens of suspicion, as they are taught in their training. They question everything outside of their own organization, which is the only fact they take as truth at face value.


The history of the Gjaki is simultaneously expansive yet nonexistent. The only being who is allowed to retain knowledge of Gjaki history is the Reverend Mother. Operatives may have bits and pieces, but it is rumored that anyone who knows too much has their memory wiped so they cannot share the knowledge.

Technological Level

The Gjaki are extremely advanced, to the point where many other technologically advanced societies view what the Gjaki do as magic, despite it all having grounds in mathematics and science. The Gjaki understand a great deal about the nature of the multiverse and how to manipulate it for their own causes.


The Gjaki do not have one religion. Each member may retain the religion they had in their previous life as long as they swear allegiance to the Reverend Mother and the mission of the Gjaki.


The Gjaki have an intense training regimen for new operative recruits. They learn skills such as espionage, combat, linguistics, negotiation, among many others. Length of study is dependent on the projected species lifespan of the trainee. Those with longer lifespans, and therefore greater length of training, are given more complex jobs. Those with shorter lifespans are typically sent on one or two missions with the expectation they will not return alive. Each trainee is overseen by an admitted member of the Gjaki, though they will have many teachers throughout their time of study.

Secrecy is Survival

Leader Title

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