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Spark is a galaxy of twenty-six creature worlds. Each planet is unique in it's geography and inhabiting species. Along with the galaxy's many planets are numerous stars and moons. The planets are divided into solar systems which in turn orbit the largest solar system of the main nine creature planets. The creatures that rule through this galaxy can be one type if not hybrids of nine different creature types. Every creature is classified as a Darkened or Lighted One depending on whether they have a shadow or not. The whole galaxy is currently in a state of tension between the Darkened and Lighted. After a century of underground work, the Destroyers finally killed off what they thought were the last of the Dreamers. Only one family survived, a couple who was previously pronounced dead, but is very much alive and hidden. The Dreamer species have been claimed extinct. Dreamwell, World of the Dreamers, is abandoned and left a wasteland of slaughtered creatures. The Lighted are at unrest from the trauma of losing a most beloved species of creature. However, no moves are made against the Darkened because The Lighted Council cannot make a decision on the best course of action. Centuries go by until The Lighted Council disbands and trust is a thing of the past.

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