Zamorians Species in Space Lore | World Anvil
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The Zamorians are the most wide-spread and technologically advanced species in the universe. What they lack in physical strength, they make up for in speed, agility, and, most importantly, their immense intellect.

Basic Information


Zamorians stand at about 5.5-7.5 feet tall on average, and tend to be very lanky. They stand upright with two arms and two legs, with four fingers or toes on each hand/foot. Their skin can be gray, a pastel purple, or a light black. Their hair generally comes in shades of white, blue, purple, or black. They have digitigrade legs which help them to run and jump.

Ecology and Habitats

Zamorians have adapted to the urban and suburban settings they have made quite well, and are very social creatures that do not require too much space to live. Thus, they are able to make tightly-packed cities without any real issue. Rural areas do exist, of course, but the Zamorians' lack of physical strength makes this a challenge for them. Whenever possible, they prefer to hire other sapient species to do their agriculture for them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Zamorians are usually picky eaters. They can eat a wide variety of foods, but often do not want to. While a Zamorian's tastes may differ from person to person, they tend to be quite rigid and it can be difficult to cook for a Zamorian without knowing their preferences beforehand, as they tend to be rather black and white with their pallet.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Zamorians have human-like faces with some exceptions. Their noses are small, and almost look sunken into their skulls with slits going along the side of them for nostrils. Their eyes are a single solid color, usually matching their hair but not always. Their ears are long and pointed, and stretch backwards at an angle. They have black tongues that can stretch to their chins, as well as a nice variety of teeth shapes as they are omnivorous.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Zamorians can be found all over the galaxy. The Zamorian Empire controls much of the inhabitable planets, dwarf planets, and moons. Their culture can be seen influencing almost any other, for better or for worse.

Average Intelligence

Zamorians are extremely intelligent, even among space-faring species. They are the only species with technology greater than the Balyoms, and many modern day conveniences, such as helper robots, are bought from Zamorian companies even when it would be cheaper to purchase them from more local groups. Their quality is unmatched.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their sense of smell is not as good as most species, given their small noses. However, their long ears let them hear and detect danger quite well.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Zamorian Empire's primary language is referred to simply as Zamorian, as when the nations of Zamoria agreed to unite for interplanetary rule, their languages were carefully combined into one. Zamorian is spoken all throughout the galaxy, including areas which were never conquered or controlled by the Zamorians. It can be seen as a 'common language' of sorts.
120 years
Average Height
5.5-7.5 feet
Average Weight
70-115 lbs

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