Oyl Species in S.P.A.C.E | World Anvil
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mod yella
The former natives of Isolde-La.

Basic Information


Very tall, very thin beings that clocked in at about 9 feet average. They had dark green skin- near black- and one large central eye. They would decorate their skin with gold and blue paints and had no hair of any sort. They absorbed nutrients by touch and so did not have mouths. Communication and language was largely via complex signing, written word, and subtle sounds. The Oyl were a very quiet species because of this. Their species type defied human naming conventions as they weren’t really mammals, reptiles, amphibians or any of the above.

Civilization and Culture


The Oyl were the original species that lived on Isolde-La. Their history is long and they had a symbiotic relationship with their planet. Their DNA was fascinating because of its regenerative properties. These people had cells that acted in the same way as plants. Some light and some nutrients and they could live for hundreds of years. When humanity first landed, they became very interested in replicating these effects. They gave it five years and when there was no progress they became quite jaded to the whole thing. The Oyl were non violent and diplomatic, and did their best to accommodate humanity because they saw no reason that the planet could not be shared. None still live today. That would be thanks the terraforming of the humans. Changing the ecosystem severely compromised the immune systems of the Oyl, and they literally had no hope of survival.

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