Fa Taïdhey Species in S.P.A.C.E | World Anvil
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Fa Taïdhey

by mod Kart

Basic Information


They evolved from avian-like creatures, complete with bills and feathers. Their skin, feathers, and eyes are generally very dark, with colors lightening in the winter towards the poles. Clothing usually covers the skin rather than feathers. White head scarves are by far the most popular garment, though others certainly exist. Something like thigh-high boots are also common and come in all sorts of variations.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

The taïdhey have evolved to a modest civilization with technology comparable to human society in the 16-1700s. Their architectural abilities, however, have easily surpassed that of humans and some of their techniques remain inscrutable to men even today. Their vast underground cities are engineering marvels.

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