Ecksosherani Species in S.P.A.C.E | World Anvil
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Created and written by mod Yella
The Ecksosherani/Doma are a technologically developed species that has a rigid caste system and a rich culture. Long ago they evacuated their planet due to their disregard for their own planet’s ecological stability.

Basic Information


Blue humanoids that stand around 6 feet tall on average. They have six eyes with inverted irises and a small underbite. Adults have pronounced lower canines and all members of the species have thick white hair that is coarse to the touch

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ecksosherani names are simple, and very few are longer than two syllables. Many names have a double ‘a’ in them. Or just a double vowel of some sort. Names ending in ‘i’ are genderless, those ending in ‘a’ are feminine, those ending in ‘o’ are masculine. Therefore, a person could be born a ‘Juuli’ but later identify themselves as ‘Juulo’ or ‘Juula’, but maybe they just don’t change it. Examples: Daalo, Elaaka, Juuli, Raaho, Deeha, Kohlii


For as long as either side can remember, the Ecksosherani and Doma have been at odds. That’s a nice way of putting it, however. The Doma, with their ridiculously high defense and advanced (for the time) weapons, managed to overpower most Ecksosherani settlements very early on. They subjugated the race and instilled a rigid caste structure that placed the Doma at the top. It was so prolific in the early days that it bleeds into the modern day still. In the legends passed down by the Ecksosherani, it is said that they once had great cities built into the roots of the trees of their homeworld that acted as strongholds against the Doma, but as the planet is deserted now there’s no proof.

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