Doma Ethnicity in S.P.A.C.E | World Anvil
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Created and written by mod Yella
A subspecies, the Doma, are crystalline looking beings with translucent skin that is rock hard. This subspecies is rarer than the main species, and their internal organs can be clearly seen inside their bodies. They also stand around 6 feet, but they lack the long canines common in the dominant species. The Ecksosherani evolved into two distinct groups. The typical Ecksosheran, which look as described above, and the Doma, a crystalline subspecies. Due to their nigh impenetrable skin, in the early period of exploration, the Doma managed to create a hierarchy by subjugating the Ecksosherani, placing themselves at the top, and their six eyed fellows at the bottom.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Doma names are harsher than Ecksosherani names due to the structure of their mouths. They cannot form some of the sounds common in the Ecksosherani language. Due to their crystalline nature, they have developed a very advanced and complex series of clicks in their language. While not possible to phonetically write down a Doma name, they do separate the clicks from words via apostrophe. No ‘s’s appear in the Doma language. Examples: Calch’kon, Av’tah, Gellor’tig, P’ox

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