Eldfjall Item in Songs of the Five Kingdoms | World Anvil
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The Eldfjall is a longsword that is perpetually warm, regardless of if sheathed or not. The sword appears to be wrought from a singular piece of metal with a simple wire wrappings around its hilt. The blunt pommel appears to a continuation of the sword's material.   If drawn from its sheath forcefully, the long unassuming blade of the Eldfjall erupts into flames. Droplets of liquid flames drip from the hilt at regular intervals which renders its wielder unable to use any of the "roof" stances. When drawn slowly, the Eldfjall does not erupt into flames.


Eldfjall was a sword crafted in depths of the Askja Volcano by the renowned Wayland the Smith. The sword was named after Eldfjall, the drassilar patron of tempests and is imbued with the destructive power of Yggdrasil's singular most dangerous environmental phenomenon, the volcanoes.   Most of Wayland's weapons have been lost to time and war. Those that are known are often in the hands of renowned warriors of the ages.   Sometime before the Saga of the Blind King, the warrior Vashet recovered the Eldfjall in the centre of a standing stone circle near Dermanturvik.
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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