Solum The elves of Edheltol seclude themselves
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The elves of Edheltol seclude themselves

Disaster / Destruction


The dwarves of the Tusk Mountains and those that used to live in the elven lands are forced to flee and leave and make their voyage to Ansalon

It is not entirely clear what happened, but a short while after the celebrations were over, weird things started happening in the Elven Capital, Haram's Oak. They had an artifact there that was rumored to have been a gift from their goddess, Iphine herself. The common perception of the situation these days is that the vendetta between elves and dwarves started when the dwarves that lived in that city stole that very important religious artifact. The dwarves obviously claimed to have nothing to do with it. Nobody knows what truly happened to the relic, but it has been missing ever since. All dwarves living in the elven lands and all the communities living in the Tusk Mountains were forced to flee and sail to the mainland or be slaughtered.

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