Grenir's Forge Building / Landmark in Solum | World Anvil
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Grenir's Forge

A former home to the greatest smith in Solum's history, a dwarf by the name Grenir. He was a lowborn dwarf from the The High-Vale Mountain Range. He was a fairly mediocre smith until one day he decided to leave his home and travel south, to seemingly the middle of nowhere in the forests South-East of Palanthas. There, he built his own forge and lived a solitary life gathering his own materials and practicing his metalsmithing talent.   Lorekeeping recordbooks mention that he showed up at the gates of Palanthas in the year 2957 of First Era asking to see the king. He was granted an audience, and he presented a set of weapons he had supposedly crafted. A hammer, a sword and a spear. These were nothing they had ever seen before. The court wizards sensed a power from within the weapons they had never felt before, an almost divine intervention. It was clear there was more at stake here than a lone dwarf and his simple craft. These weapons were later dubbed the Dragonsbane Weapons, and their history is a story of it's own, full of being lost for centuries and being rediscovered again. Most recently, they were used to defeat the dragons corrupted by Voraci during her descent upon the world.   The king offered the dwarf riches and recognition, but he declined it all. He simply handed the weapons to the king and left back to practice his craft. The king's scouts surveyed the dwarf practically until the natural end of his life decades later, but he never smithed anything as significant again. It was as if he had been chosen by the gods to craft these weapons and then forgotten again.   His title is very much disputed in the dwarven community because of the apparent magical and divine influence on his craft. Nevertheless, a statue dedicated to him can be found in Palanthas. These days not much remains of his original forge. Pilgrims of Sayor seldom visit the place.   ----------------   Including the spear, sword and hammer forged by Grenir, a bow was fletched in Altharas around the same time that had similar properties to complete the set of four the Dragonsbane Weapons.
Circa 3150 of the First Age
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