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Solis the land of the sun, inhabited by the five major race of this world, which are humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, and faunus. There are many other creators populate the land of Solis, they normally do not communicate with humans or elves, and are hostile to anyone other than their own kind. The notable creatures which are hostile to the major races are goblins, dragons, imps, trolls, merpeople, gryphons ghouls, wraiths, harpies, cockatrices, golems, giants, and windigo. Notable creatures that are not hostile are unicorns, pegasi, horses, and spirits. There are two different diseases or blessings that the major races can get which are, lycanthropy where the person transforms into a wolf or other animals, vampirism where the suffering becomes an immortal being and has an unquenchable thirst for blood.

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