Akyrah Species in Sol'iria | World Anvil
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Eliil smiled, humming gently to herself as she worked. She took the best traits of her brethren and sculpted them into a pleasing form. Courage, ingenuity, love and compassion, all came together to create a body more beautiful to her than any of the other enlightened races. It was a woman's body - sleek and feminine, but striking, with long black hair. Captivating. But it was not quite enough. She clicked her tongue, resting her chin in the palm of her hand as she pondered what was missing. What was it that she herself loved most? Her golden eyes drifted to an eagle in the distance, gliding lazily on an air current. Yes, it was definitely that. With a heartfelt apology, she reached out and took its wings, melded them to the body's back and deftly began sculpting muscles to support them. At last, it was finished. Eliil leaned down and pressed her lips to her creation, before stepping back, watching with loving eyes as the woman opened her own. She sat up, blinked and looked around, flexed her muscles, moved her wings in awe. Eliil gathered her creation up in her arms and kissed the top of her head.
'You are Solana,' she said, her mental voice brimming with pride.
"Solana..." Repeated the woman. "Am I alone?"
'For now, my child. But not for long.'

Basic Information


Akyran men and women are humanoid creatures, each of them sporting enormous bird wings. A powerful muscular structure is built on top of a lightweight skeleton to grant the Akyrah the gift of flight.

Biological Traits

Like many creatures, males of the species are typically physically larger and stronger than their female counterparts, who are generally more lithe. There is no noticeable difference in life expectancy between genders.

Genetics and Reproduction

Akyran women carry young over a period of 11 to 12 months before giving birth. Like humans, they will usually produce one offspring at a time, though it is not unheard of to have twins, or even triplets.

Growth Rate & Stages

Children are born with wing buds, which typically begin developing around the age of 6. Puberty sets in around the age of 14, and one is considered an adult in Akyran society at the age of 20. Wings are usually developed enough to fly short distances by the age of 8, and most are developed enough to handle longer flights by the time they are 14.
Around 21 or 22, aging slows down to a crawl, extending the average lifespan to the hundreds. It isn't until around their 300th year that the aging process will speed up again, catapulting the birdfolk into old age, after which they usually have around 50 to 60 years of quiet retirement before passing on.

Ecology and Habitats

Like other enlightened races, the Akyrah do well in most environments, though they have a preference for warmer climes where they can dress loosely to accommodate their wings and love of flying more readily. For this reason, among others, the Akyrah as a people have never expanded beyond the Skyfall Islands.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Akyran society is fairly straight-forward. Each clan has its own island and is headed by one to three Elders. This is a misleading title however - a more accurate title would be clan chiefs, or even councillors, given the role that they play in the Council. These rulers are chosen not only by age, but by wisdom, ability and leadership. Above these clan heads sits a ruling body, the Council of Elders. This is made up of the Elders from each clan, as well as various other influential individuals. The Council usually numbers around 15 to 20, and is responsible for all matters of governance and local law around Skyfall.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Akyrah birdfolk tend to stick close to their island home, though it isn't unheard of for them to go travelling abroad - whether trading, studying or simply exploring.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

No extrasensory capabilities, though magical talent is common.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Akyrah names tend to be short and full of vowels or syllables that roll off the tongue easily, though influences are frequently taken from the many peoples they've come in contact with. Surnames aren't readily used however - rather, individuals will take their clan name. On the occasion that there are two people with the same name in the same clan, identification then extends from the mother. Example: Sah, daughter of Saleen.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty is a fluid thing among Akyrah society, with many different definitions that vary from person to person. It is, as they say, in the eye of the beholder. However, there are some widely accepted ideals. One is that dyed wings are considered very attractive, especially those who can afford the pigments to create purples and rich blues. Another is that fit is good, though that extends more into the need to be able to fly. Finally, tall people, especially women, are considered very attractive. Most agree that it is a combination of longer, leaner limbs and proportionally larger wings.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is a generally loose concept. Akyrah men and women are quick to love, despite their lengthy lifespans, and have no issue with taking multiple lovers. It is not uncommon to see one person with a small harem of partners, though neither is it rare to meet a devoted couple who have partnered for life.

Average Technological Level

The island nation has a fairly low relative technology level, being so isolated. Buildings are typically still wooden with thatched roofs, though some larger structures incorporate stonework. The choice of material is simple, given the remoteness of the nation and the dense forests that blanket the island. The Akyrah cut down what they need, using as much of the tree as possible - lumber for construction and boat-building, stronger limbs for bowmaking, bark for thatching, etcetera. The trees are then planted again and left to grow. Very few Akyrah can work a forge due to the lack of material, so most metal tools are imported from the mainland. This means that many tools are either old and well-used, or still made of stone. The Akyrah seldom use metal for weaponry, preferring instead to rely on the magical talent of those who have it, and powerful bows for those do not. It is widely considered that the birdfolk perfected the art of bowmaking long ago, and it is easy to see why. An Akyran bow typically measures around 1.8 meters tall and boasts an incredible draw weight that takes full advantage of the extra musculature in its wielder's back. In contrast to this, Akyrah boat builders are far from accomplished. The boats they construct serve the purpose of ferrying passengers and cargo between islands well, and their flat-bottomed design help avoid damage to the reefs around the archipelago, but they are highly unsuitable to ocean travel. That said, boats are considered the most efficient way of travelling from island to island for those who cannot fly. Even for those who can, some islands are too far away from each other to risk flight. Magical witchlights are used to light homes and roads in the capitol of Erurias, but on the lesser islands, candles, torches and glass lanterns are still the predominant form of lighting. The various settlements of the archipelago thus closely resemble poorer villages on the mainland at first glance.

Common Dress Code

There are very few clothing conventions amongst the Akyrah. One shouldn't expect to see naked birdfolk soaring through the skies, but visitors should be well prepared for their more lax views on clothing. Typically, the Akyrah favour loose garb such as wraps and backless dresses, though it isn't unusual for birdfolk to simply tie lengths of fabric about their bodies. Whatever the choice, the material is almost always vibrant, showing off the Akyran love of colour. Because of their remoteness, the tropical weather and a lack of space for agriculture on the islands, plants for the creation of textiles grown locally, making linens and silk very popular items of trade for the Akyrah. It is also common for people to coordinate the colour of their clothing with their under feathers, with the goal of creating floating works of art when they are airborne.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While uncommon, interspecies relations is not frowned upon, only recommended against. Many visitors have chosen to remain in Skyfall after finding love there, and there are birdfolk who have left to live on the mainland with their new loves. Inevitably though, the longevity of the Akyrah brings heartbreak when their shorter-lived lovers die of old age long before themselves.
300-400 years
Average Height
Average Weight
45-60 kg
Average Physique
The Akyrah are quite fit for the majority of their lifetimes, maintaining lithe physiques - and for good reason. If they aren't in good shape, flight becomes difficult, or even impossible. And for the birdfolk, the freedom of flight is everything.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Birdfolk tend to be slightly tanned from the constant warm sunlight of the northern sea. They also have a habit of dying the downy under feathers of their wings with vibrant colours as an expression of individuality.

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