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In the years following the Rift, and the chaos that subsequently ensued, the great empires and kingdoms fell and their peoples were scattered. During this time anarchy was the law of the land, the strong gathered followers and many became warlords, ruling over their tiny bits of land as dictators until they were killed and another took their place. This time is considered to be the darkest time in our history. In the midst of this chaos, a clan from the northern mountains on the continent Jypar began to rise in prominence.   This clan, the Ka-Inq, coming from the nomadic people of the Habaori, began to establish alliances with some of the other Habaori clans, offering them protection from outsiders in exchange for service. Many of the other clans, suffering from the effects of the Rift, readily agreed to this arrangement with their distant cousins; some of the clans did not accept this agreement, and they were quickly subjugated. In the span of roughly twenty-five years, they had control over the Northern Mountains. It is believed that once the whole region was under their control they established their stronghold in the center of the mountains, what became the City of Gata. This we believe was in the year 71 Y.A.R.   In the year 73 Y.A.R., under the rule of King Balnir, the Habaori turned their sight to the south and began their southern expansion. As they moved south they quickly took control of the land as the people yearning for safety flocked to them and aided them in their fights with the warlords. In return for the aid, the Habaori began establishing provinces to provide protection to the people, and for the most part, worked with them to solidify the cooperation. As a result of these policies, many more people began to work with them and their empire. In less than one hundred years their empire covered nearly the entire continent, with the exception of the Yjimal subcontinent.   After this many years of general peace fell upon the empire, with their only conflict being their continual efforts to seize the subcontinent. Much of the population did not worry about this as it rarely affected their lives and when it did it was very little. During this time of peace, great advancements were made in the sciences, and several great halls of learning were established. Trade across the continent flourished, and it was during this time that the great roads were first established. This period lasted for nearly half a millennium, but it all came crashing down in the span of a few short years.     In the year 635 Y.A.R, a young and vicious man ascended the throne of the empire. This was Emperor Balnir XVII. This Balnir had entered the army at the young age of fifteen looking for adventure and a chance to prove his strength. As he was the third son of his family his parents consented to his request hoping that he would develop the skills necessary to aid his elder brother in the rule of the empire. In his sixteenth year, he had his first taste of battle, and this changed his life forever. He was leading a small patrol several miles behind the front lines during the summer campaign of that year when his squad was ambushed. It was a short fight, and he and his men quickly gained the upper hand in the fight and put their enemies to flight. Having killed his first man in this battle, a new feeling was awakened within him, a lust for blood. For the next two years, he spent as much time as he possibly could on the front lines, engaging with the enemy as often as possible, even going so far as to leave his position to battle the enemy. He reveled in the death he caused. It is said that during this time on the front lines, on one of his forays into enemy territory alone, he acquired the blade that would serve him for the rest of his life: the Blood Blade. At the sudden death of his father in 633 Y.A.R. he was recalled to the capital and was given a place in his brother's court. about a year and a half after that his eldest brother grew very ill, and in the waning months of 634, he perished. The next brother then took the throne but he had been emperor for only about four months when both he and his wife were found dead in their bed, stabbed to death. This caused quite a stir within the capital, and Balnir was crowned Emperor.   Among his first acts as the new emperor, he drove out the royal court claiming that it was in fear of his own saftey. before the year was out he issued an Imperial Decree stating that each family must contribute one person to serve in the army. This caused quite a stir throughout the whole of the empire and many people began to grumble against him. With this massive army behind his back, he personally led an invasion of the subcontinent. After two years of continuous, bloody fighting, with himself reveling in the gore the whole time, the land fell and the whole of the continent had been subdued. He returned to the capital victorious and settled down to reign over the land. As the next several years passed he grew increasingly board, and the desire to spill blood grew and festered within him. When news reached him in 644, of some communities who were resisting sending people to the army, he decided that he needed to take steps. Against the advice of his mother he personally went down to resolve the situation. In the midst of the discussions with representatives from the communities, his temper and blood lust got the better of him and he slew them. Realizing how this might be perceived by the rest of his empire, he led his troops into the communities and slaughtered the inhabitants. Word got out, however, and soon parts of the Empire were in open rebellion. He ordered the army to put down the rebellions, but many of the troops were deserting to aid their families in the fighting. With a much-depleted army, he set out and did battle with the rebels, slaughtering them and anyone else he encountered. As time passed his army grew smaller and smaller as the ranks were being killed faster than they could be replaced. By 650 much of the empire had fallen to the different rebel armies and they marched on the capital, Gata. On the 37 day of Lexj, as the chill of autumn was setting into the mountains they laid siege to the city. For two months they fought trading attacks and counter-attacks. Finally, on the first day of Kiju, while leading a counter-attack against the besiegers, the emperor was confronted and was slain in the duel that commenced. Upon seeing this the defenders' spirits broke and many of them fell in despair. The rebels took the city, drove out the remaining inhabitants, tooted it, and utterly destroyed it. On their departure, they tore up the road leading to the city, and thus ended the Habaori Empire. The people then split apart, and never again was the entire continent united under one rule.

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