Types of Magic in Slumbering Gods | World Anvil

Types of Magic

Written by: Akeyla, Head Wizard

Edited by: ███ Chief Warlock


Chaos Magic is a mysterious type of magic that some magic users believe is sentient. There is no proof of this, but many Chaos users (Sorcerers and certain Warlocks) claim that they hear voices whenever they call upon that magic. And they say that these voices give them wisdom and knowledge about magic that no one, not even a Warlock, could understand.

Chaos users claim that using Chaos magic is a greater feeling that using Neutral magic. Chaos magic gives the user the abilities to do things that a Nuetral user would not, and gives them great self-control over other aspects of magic.

Chaos magic is a dangerous and risky kind of magic that not many partake in, however, magic users, who use both Neutral and Chaos magic claim that Chaos gives you more power, but not necessarily more control/


Neutral Magic is not as mysterious as Chaos Magic. Neutral Magic is where every magic user starts learning to control and call upon. Neutral Magic is considered by many magic users to be the "better magic", because even though it (supposedly) doesn't give the user as much power, it gives him more control.

Wizards and Mages say that Neutral Magic is superior to Chaos Magic because of the ability of control and the more knowledge a user will have of this type of magic. However, Sorcerers and some Warlocks say that Neutral Magic weakens a user faster than a Chaos Magic user. They claim that Neutral Magic takes more energy, and therefore a user will be able to do less with Neutral Magic.

One big difference between Neutral and Chaos Magic is that with Neutral Magic it is very hard to create something that doesn't already exist. For example, Neutral magic users can create bears, tigers etc. (animals that exist), they cannot create a fkiegk, or a eihteo hef (animals that don't exist).

What People Say

Now, that you, dear reader, know the basic differences between the Neutral and Chaos magic, as well as the basic pros and cons. I, Akeyla, would like to tell you what people say about their magic. After all, a first had description is always best when it comes things as destructive as magic.  
I just can't bring myself to use Chaos Magic. It's destructive and dangerous and there are way too many rumors around it. Like mutated bodies, horrific side affects. I'm sorry. It's just...so bad.
— Neutral Magic user
They're [neutral magic users] are lying to you. Chaos Magic doesn't do anything, accept make you more powerful, give you more self-control, and helps you to create other creatures, beings. Now tell me, how is that bad?
— Chaos Magic user
My dear friend, I use both magics and I have found that both are equal in power and might, but the Chaos Magic is interesting. You learn certain things, and you grow. With Neutral Magic sometimes it feels like you aren't going anywhere. But the choice is up to you. And you can choose both
— Chaos and Neutral Magic user
  With that being said, I, Akeyla, would like to warn you of two things.

1) Neutral and Chaos Magic is not to be played with. Both are destructive and can have disastrous consequences if used incorrectly.

2) Be careful when taking Magic advice from a user of both magics. They are more biased than Neutral and Chaos users.


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Jan 11, 2024 03:03 by Salmon Man

Hey, great article! Are the side effects of Chaos Magic instant or is it more of a slow decay?

Jan 11, 2024 03:20 by Jacqueline Yang

Thanks for the comment. The effects of Chaos Magic are probably more of a slow decay, but it does depend on how much a Sorcerer uses the Magic and how powerful the spells are. Recent rumors are floating that a powerful Warlock tried to make himself akin to a god using Chaos Magic. Long story short, he's not exactly human anymore.