Drisden Settlement in Slumbering Gods | World Anvil


Drisden is the used-to-be city next to The Lifeless Sea. Due to a sickness that ran amuck through the city several years ago the poulation hugely diminshed causing the place to shrink to a town.

It is a place of dry, desert heat and a never setting sun. Although it is a desert place, it is still able to bring in enough money for the Drisdenians to support themselves. Usually with merchants or travelers coming through the city.

Industry & Trade

Drisden is not a bustling place of trade, however it still one of the cities next to a body of water, causing trade to be slightly better than other towns spread throughout the desert land.

Most of the Drisdenians own general stores, typically carrying things such as tools, wood, and various other building materials. A few Drisdenains own small bars and diners.

Inhabitant Demonym


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