New Emergent Resistance Organization in Skywatch | World Anvil
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New Emergent Resistance

The New Emergent Resistance, often abbreviated as NEWRA and also known as the Emergent Army or called by the governments as "the Gang of Thousand Men", is a rebel military group based in rural areas of North California.


NEWRA's story began when a group of survivors led by brothers Antony Grimm and Wolf Grimm, fed up with the oppression of large corporations that controlled people's resources and lives, decided to band together to fight for their freedom.    They set up their bases in remote rural areas, out of reach of the corporations and authorities of New California.   Over the years, NEWRA has grown in numbers and influence, recruiting individuals from all backgrounds with the same ambitions as the faction.    They developed skillful guerrilla tactics and effective resistance strategies. Their cause attracted popular support among the inhabitants of rural communities, who were suffering under the chains of the corporations.
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Alternative Names
"The Emergent Army"
"The Gang of Thousand Men"
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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