Angelic Fury Character in Skyline Arena | World Anvil
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Angelic Fury

The Wrath of the Heavens

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IWA - Retaliation Reaction
May 16th 2021

So… you haven’t heard from me since I got attacked, while talking to you, by Hikaru Shida. I’m honored that you miss my little thoughts -bows and then leans against the wall- and I guess I should comment on the craziness that is going on. -stands and looks directly at you- Its amazing how life works huh? When I first started in this company, I was targeted by The Nightmare. Meanwhile, Pokegirl, was the one offering friendship to everyone, offering a helping hand, calling security when needed and visited me in the hospital when I was injured. I thought I had gotten my mind right. -shrugs and walks over to the mirror and smirks- It’s amazing what can happen in such a short span of time. -pauses- I had to fight real hard on the last Clash… I’d been studying Nyla’s moves and I was ready for her. In finally in my moment of victory I get backstabbed by Pokegirl. That I wasn’t ready for. And I had to fight again. -turns and leans my back against the wall again still smiling- I know I have a target on my back and everyone wants a piece of me. Just don’t underestimate this Face. An angel doesn’t need underhanded tactics to be on top. -pauses turning to look at you- But that’s Ok. You have to expect the unexpected. Retaliation shed some light on something. That exact unexpectedness. I’ve been asked countless times what I think about being on a tag team with The Nightmare after everything that’s happened up to this point. And I haven’t said a word. Until now. The Nightmare and I have been against each other, have saved each other, been in the ring fightin and been in the ring sidein. No matter what you think about us, from heaven to hell, you cannot deny the power that each of us harnesses and we cover the entire spectrum. The match against Nyla and Sheris… we can do better than that. I know we will.   You just wait. You haven’t seen the last of the team of champions.

NAW Hall of Fame
June 7th 2021

When I started in this business, I hadn't really figured out who I was, where I was going, or how far I'd make it. I was so naive in the beginning but I was also determined...and strong. It's heartwarming to look back on it all now. Everywhere I am and have been I've seen the same faces, but the different stories, different team ups, different sides to everyone makes it all, no matter what has happened, it makes one large family. A wrestling family.   Being honored as the first female NAW Hall of Fame recipient, It was the first time I really saw everything I've been through to get here:   KCW World Women's Champion, 4 Times KCW Women's Internet Champion, 2 Times KCW Women's Tag Team Champion 2 Time   IWA Women's World Champion longest single and longest total reign   NAW Women's Champion, longest reigning NAW Women's champion, Women's Tag Team Champion, and First Home Run Champion of NAW   It was the first time all the different 'worlds' so to speak came together and I saw that I'd actually made a difference, made a name for myself, and I'd... made it. This feeling is absolutely unbelievable. This honor was a complete surprise and humbling. Thank you, NAW. Thank you for believing in me. From KCW where I started, to IWA and then to NAW, thank you all for believing in me. This means more to me then you'll ever know.   Also know that I'm not done. Wherever I go, this legacy that I've started will continue. The best is yet to come.

IWA - Surprising end
October 5 2020

October 5 2020   So what can I say about all that has transpired this season? Angelic folds her arms and glares at you. Let's rewind time a bit..   After the bandages and pains settle, Angelic sits up in her hospital bed, her eyes full of fury. "I bet you feel good about yourself Ichigo... the first person to put me on an injury report." she cocks her head to the side, "Too scared about your precious reputation you gotta act like a big baby?" Angelic laughs, "That's fine. Keep lying to the masses... that's fine too." She stops laughing and her gaze gets serious, "Just remember, You can't kill an ANGEL..."   Ah yes... my first time in the hospital and also my first time being lied upon. You know, you can never predict what kind of situation you end up in. Angelic pulls the championship belt to her But like Mr. IWA says, the person that wants it the most pulls through. To be honest I never thought this belt would be back in my possession after so long, but who would pass up the opportunity to pin AND take a title from someone that ruthlessly attacked you? Angelic grins, getting comfortable holding her belt   What? What about The Nightmare? What about her? She wanted to get revenge on Ichigo too...and well she pinned me to do it. Can't say I blame her. Angelic smirks and lets out a long breath. Would I still partner with her again you ask? Most Def. I mean come on! She was in a DRESS for the PPV! She is the mistress of unpredictability. She stares off in thought. I did have a few matches with Pokegirl. I don't know how I feel about that, but its all a part of the business. You can be booked to fight anyone on the roster. She looks down at her belt. She's dangerous with that briefcase though. Angelic strokes the belt, still thinking.   What's that? What about the elephant in the room? Well for one, an elephant wont fit in this room... and two, they can't wrestle. But if you are asking me about the battle for control of the company... Angelic shrugs We saw what Mr. IWA does without The Bad Guy, and it didn't go well. Now we will see the other way around...and I'm pretty sure it won't go well either. She folds her arms. Don't look at me like that. You act like I just committed blasphemy! Angelic sits up dignified. I am an Angel! I don't do such things. But when you build up something together with someone else and then try to shoulder it on your own without them, it's never the same. There is a void leftover that can't be filled by anyone or anything else. They may drive each other nuts, disagree on things, compromise a lot, and get aggravated with each other, but they also make a pretty good team when they put their heads together. I don't think the synergy those two have can be that easily forgotten. Angelic smiles I'm not too worried about it. I don't think we've seen the last of Mr. IWA. The smile fades. What worries me is, what's going to be the circumstance that's going to bring him back?

IWA - Catching Up Time
July 27 2020

July 27 2020   "Wow its been a long time since I've voice any thoughts on any of the shenanigans happening in IWA huh? And I guess I picked the most inopportune time as well... boy have things happened." Angelic smiles, moving to sit comfortably.   "So where to begin? Well first off, since I started in this promotion, I've shown that I hold my friends very deeply. Coming after me is one thing, but going after my friends is another thing altogether. " Angelic's expression turns to pure fury, "There was no way I was going to sit and watch Ichigo and The Dynasty throw my friends around like rag dolls." she smirks, "I take you name, number and when you least expect it, I take revenge." Angelic leans back, "It felt real good to finally win over Ichigo." she pauses, "So what if matches with her amounted to half of my recent matches, but hey... I finally got the W."   Angelic looks at her reflection in the mirror "Maybe I'm just persistent..." she smiles "Persistent and alert. You see, I've taken the opportunity while being in the shadows and off, with all the attention being on others, to focus on studying. I heard the comment about the moves I've been using in my matches being very 'unlike' me. Also a bit more aggressive in the ring too. Yep, practice and study. That's how you make a big comeback. Keep 'em guessing."   "Speaking of that I should address the elephant in the room." She moves to the punching bag and throws some punches. "Yes I asked the Nightmare to tag team with me." she pauses and her brow raises, "What? Don't look at me like that." she crosses her arms, "Hey I can be a bit of a wildcard if I want to." she pauses, "What did I think of it?" Angelic grins "It was awesome." she stands and gazes at her reflection, "And now I go back to the opposite side of the ring in a Title Match. Now do I honestly think its going to be that easy?" Angelic stares you straight in the eyes, "It's never that easy."


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