Foremen Headquarters Building / Landmark in Skeyer | World Anvil
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Foremen Headquarters

The Foremen Headquarters, often named the Faithful’s Upkeep Center, is where the Foremen primarily operate from. It is from this structure that they are able to maintain communication with, and relay messages between each of the districts and deliver messages to the Spire at the center of Skeyer. Additionally, the center is vital to maintaining and recounting the history of Skeyer and contains documents dating back to the Great Darkness, though not all of the documents are completely intact and what is available to the people is limited by their status. Considering the Foremen’s role, it also contains documents and schematics on how to operate and maintain the many subsystems of the dome, which are then used to teach new wall workers, however, given the large amount of information involved, only the Foremen themselves know the inner workings of every part of the dome.   The Foremen’s Headquarters was initially founded within the entrance district with the original purpose of effectively border control and dome security. When the dome was initially set up and people were fleeing the Great Darkness, the government at the time would maintain the dome and monitor who was entering and leaving, often having to deny entry to individuals without the proper funds or those of great suspicion. After the arrival of the Prophet and the establishment of the Faith, this building was converted into the Faithful’s Upkeep Center to mirror the change in government standing and to ease the transition for the people. When the Ekonians arrived, the headquarters was used to get the initial message out to the Spire as there was not much the Foremen could do themselves about the situation without instructions from the rulers, who needed to ascertain for themselves what exactly was going on. During this time, the building was also used to recall some Foremen from the other districts to aid with any potential problems with the entrance after the Ekonians forced entry.
Alternative Names
Faithful's Upkeep Center
Government complex

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