Teddy Character in Skal'Cynrak Laquari | World Anvil
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Stubborn, aggressive, logical. Original name Pylo.

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Day 1: Targets

Greyson Tolliver: Current target. Unsavory for acts of bombing, interfering in Scythe business, and somewhat questionable, though not outright unsavory, companionship. Tonist center, corner of Tone and Cherry street. Grimrod McGunnroy: Current target. unsavory as a repeat, extreme arsonist, may have questionable Scythe backing him. In a group that has attempted to kill scythes in the past. Unsavory group he's a part of was key in Greyson Tolliver's anti-scythe bombing. Last known: Prison facility catering to unsavory people. Fucking weird 'cuz it's basically a game or some shit. He's also rented out a hotel room. Halfway between MerrieWeathear and Elm on Spruce street. Unknown Scythe: Current target? Not technically unsavory, but his acts and companionship have left him as a potential target for us.