Liu Xing Ji Settlement in Six Stars | World Anvil
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Liu Xing Ji

jutting like a bright amber jewel from the bleak rock, the multi-layered arcology shines in the light of six stars. Beneath the sparkling veneer it a city. A city of many many agendas, plots, plans, greeds, lusts and other vices. A city of very carefully controlled chaos. Some people who can eventually afford to leave will. Others try to take as many people down with them as they can. most keep their heads down and hope they don't get shafted too badly. But for a few, a select few entrepreneurs, legal or otherwise, a handful of streetwise operators, a gaggle of data skimming hackers, this city is fully, truly, home.


23% @han Chinese, 14% Korean, 17% Hindi, 12% Black, 8%Khmer, 16 Slavic, 4% Columbian, 6% Mogolian


The Overseer , with the backing of the various corporate executives, is in charge of the city. He is usually too busy trying to keep the corps from killing each other to deal with day to day issues. Assuming no major setbacks occur, the companies' operations go smoothly, and the tax money comes in on time, the Governors run their appointed districts without much interference. The overseer will still infiltrate informants into the districts to make sure they weren't getting too lazy or brutal. Or attempting a coup. Most physical security it handled on the district level, and corporate campuses usually handle matters internally. However, the overseer appoints security officers for the city's cyber-net, and directly oversees the Special Criminal Division and Detention Bureau. His faithful right-hand man is the General Manager, Bai Wang, who makes sure taxes get paid, customs forms get filled, and those underlings of his too corrupt, or not corrupt enough, correct their behavior. His 'left hand' could be said to be the shadowy Public Research Director, Nosislav Kursk.


Space-to-Space missiles, EMP missiles.   The ability to airlock and seal off sections of the city could force invaders to fight block-to-block if they want to the city in one piece. A lot of defendable choke-points in the street layout, intentionally so.


A train system of monorails and subways connects the governates.

Guilds and Factions

Bao-Lin research
Good-Eat Food, inc.
Dawnbreak Private Resolutions Agency
Crane Financial


The colony traces its roots to the People's Republic of China, which sent a fleet of ships to extract the minerals there in 2094. The city proper was and is a hub for the mining operations that go on in that and other nearby asteroids. As more infrastructure and settlements appeared in that region of space under PRC companies, it became a major spaceport and trading hub. Enough income was flowing into the colony to allow investment into high tech industries, and labs became commonplace in the domed city.   When the Earth War severed connection back to the motherworld, the colony was a founding member of the Xu Dou Xing .   It continues to thrive, corruption notwithstanding even now.

Natural Resources

Stable Hydrogen, Helium- 3, Platinum, Uranium,
Alternative Name(s)
Six Star City
Orbital, Station

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