New Years' Celebration Tradition / Ritual in Sitenautem | World Anvil
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New Years' Celebration

In Sitenautem, New Years is celebrated in the end of Spring/very beginning of the Summer- the exact date it is celebrated changes year to year, based on when the last frost occurs. This celebration always happens then, during the period when crops are planted, as a celebration of the new life growing for the year. It is always a large celebration across the whole world, even in places where crops do not often grow well for various reasons. The understanding that each year survived until the start of the crop-growing season is a blessing from the Deities is a sentiment felt all across Sitenautem.


This tradition began as far back as people have had settlements on Sitenautem. From the start of traditions of farming in the world, people have found reason to celebrate the continuing of life, and thus, the tradition was born.


Every region of Sitenautem has different practices on how their own beginning of the new year should be celebrated- in some places, large bonfires are held and danced around, and a feast of all of the remains of the previous year's rations are eaten. In other places, families gather together and share their favorite stories of the previous year, and have simply a small meal, before preparing to start working the next day for the next year.    However, the one thing that binds every celebration together across the world is the celebration and devotion to the pantheon in many ways. Every member of the pantheon has a key part to play in the celebration- Riorian is celebrated for light and warmth, and Karouna for the nights that allow for rest during the farming season. Eiravin, for the storms and winds that bring water to crops and a cool breeze to the people, and Melian, for watching over the homes for the year. Mortrichor for the land and Zale for the seas that divide it, both working together to create a world worthy of living in and growing from. And Koblair and Kace, for controling the fight and blessing the hunts during this season.

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