Half-Elf Species in Sirus | World Anvil
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They who walk between worlds

"My childhood was not that of the average half-elf's. I faced none of the discrimination or alienation typical of my race, but that does not mean I didn't struggle with my own identity. My brother and father were elven, the former a priest and the latter a great warrior. My human mother was a former slave. I chose the elven culture, for that was the safer choice at the time. Still, I never fit in. Even with those that accepted me. Because I was different. I was missing a part of myself that I never connected with: the half of me from my mother. To this day, it's a problem I face and see in half-elves across Rhydallia." -Ruxel Vyrlann.   Half-elves take the worst and the best of their parent races, the humans and the elves. They tread the world between the two races, living in both yet belonging in neither. Their facial hair marks them as human, yet their pointed ears and long life mark them as elven. Many would argue that half-elves embody the best of both races. Of the elves: their wisdom, artistic ability, long life. Of the humans: ambition, intelligence, a powerful drive. Despite this, half-elves only belong to themselves, for no one can understand what it means to belong to both of the strongest species in Rhydallia.  

Racial Traits

+1 Wis, +1 Int, +2 to attributes of your choice
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Half-elves resemble elves more than humans, particularly the women. The men, unlike elven men, can grow facial hair yet this remains their most discerning trait besides their height. It's not uncommon for a half-elf to pass as a full-blooded elf.
800-2,000 years
Average Height
Average Weight
170 lbs

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