Camptown Settlement in Sira | World Anvil
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Camptown is essentially run by The Ivory Beetles, the long-standing merchant's guild. Taxes are collected by The Ivory Beetles, and the collection of delinquent payments are contracted to [The Adventurer's Guild] right next door. The influx of skilled workers every six months helps to bolster the infrastructure and provide jobs


The settlement is not advanced enough to afford a wall yet, so they make use of their hired guard to patrol the perimeter and streets of the city, ensuring the safety of citizens from the dangers of Sintonas.

Industry & Trade

Money is circulated mostly inside the territory, trading for food, materials, and labor. Every six months, the economy is able to move past the local vendors and reconnect with the world at large. Due to the rarity of magic items found on The Lost Isles, the rest of the world is always excited to reconnect and trade for the precious artifacts. This gradually introduces new capital into the settlements' economy.


Wood refinement is handled by the sawmill near the river to the south. Near the two guildhalls is a cobblestone courtyard with a giant stone indentation in the center. This courtyard represents the original fire pit built by Captain Sintonas and his crew as they fought for survival on the island. Twice a year, when the storm breaks, the town celebrates their survival by feeding a bonfire for the entire duration of clear skies. Along the coast, not too far from the guildhouse, a harbor has been built to accommodate small ships as well as to unload the contents of larger ships. Generally, large ships that are not trading, or have finished trading, find a place to drop anchor within Broker's Bay, then row their dinghies into port.


Due to the demand provided by audacious Kaveh, there is a local herbalist/alchemist, blacksmith, armorsmith, general goods store, and a pair of taverns.

Guilds and Factions

Location under
Related Tradition (Primary)

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