Dwarves Species in Siopra | World Anvil
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Written by onegalnamedsal

Dwarves are a humanoid race. Dwarves are a tough, traditional species known for their strong martial traditions and beautiful craftsmanship.

Basic Information


Dwarves are a short race, as the name implies, standing from 4'3"–4'9" (1.3–1.45 meters) on average. Despite their small height, dwarves are almost as heavy as Humans, weighing from 160-220lbs (73-100kg). Dwarves have a variety of skin, eye, and hair colours.

Growth Rate & Stages

A dwarf is considered a child until it turns 50 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves prefer to live underground, however can survive anywhere that Humans can.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves can eat pretty much anything. They have evolved so that their stomachs can survive even the strongest poisons.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dwarves tend to join together in clans, where leaders are elected and are highly respected, as are elders.

Facial characteristics

Male dwarves tend to grow thick, dark facial hair.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to their preference of residence being in a cave, Dwarves have evolved to be able to see up to 60 feet in the pitch black.
A female dwarf ready to do battle
The average dwarf will live for 350 years, however some manage to reach 400 years.
Average Height
4-5ft (1.2-1.5m)
Average Weight
150lb (68kg)
Average Physique
The majority of dwarves are extremely buff due to their species’ love for digging and forging, both of which require use of heavy equipment, therefore building muscle.

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