Annion Settlement in Sindathea | World Anvil
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Annion (Ah-knee-on)

Annion is a thriving trade-town, bordered on 3 sides by rich farmlands and by a forest on the remaining side it has all the makings of a busy trading post. Rumour has it a rich vein gold can be found in the Mountains beyond the forest.


Basic wooden outer walls.

Industry & Trade

Thriving Market for farmed goods,handicrafts and livestock


Central Location for trade.


Annion, legend has it sprang to life at the crossroads where the paths of two farmers met on their way to other markets at opposite ends of the country. One a grower of Onions, the other a cattle merchant with a speech impediment. They began trading goods, gambling for coin and regularly setting up camp at the crossroads, over time other mercantile's joined them and in time a town grew around the meeting place,

Points of interest

  • Large Market, some bricks and mortar stores, many travelling merchants
  • Home to Strongkettle's Boardinghouse
  • Borders a forest
  • Road running through from East-West and North-South


Mostly travelling sellers and people with coin to spend.


Annion is built upon open flat ground bordering a forest. A Mountain range can be seen to the west beyond the forest, but grassy plains surround Annion on 3 sides.

Natural Resources

A Nearby forest supplies lumber as well as a hunting ground for game, there is plentiful farmland nearby for livestock and crops.
Alternative Name(s)
Onion Town
Large city
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