The Hexed Finger Building / Landmark in Silvarus | World Anvil
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The Hexed Finger

  Owner: Tinesi Kelroth (Female elf, 134 years old, inherited establishment from deceased aunt R’Shala Kelroth 16 years ago)
    • Malorin Perquill (male half-elf, 50)
    • Aline (female human, 40)
    • Margareth “Margie” Birk (female human, 20)
    • Luana Viera (female humanoid, 38)
    • VIP: Verrona Elrin (female elf, 132) — also girlfriend of Tinesi, manages VIP lounge and takes reservations or requests
    • VIP: Edwyn Lyon (male half-elf, 39)

  Brewer: Elzzuberi “Berry” Copperheart (female dwarf, 240)
  Chef: Krogan Cardros (male half-orc, 55)
  Chef assistants: dwarves, half-elfs
  The tavern’s lounge has glowing bone chimes hanging all through the ceiling. With the slightest wind from the windows or door, the chimes move. These chimes appear to be the light source from the ceiling, spreading warm light all around the tavern.
  Those who are new to the tavern will notice the strange, eerie whispers from time to time. Some people say it is the spirits of the Kelroth family making sure no one creates trouble or brawls, some say it is the work of deviant casters or necromancers experimenting with spells while drunk, some others will pretend like they don’t hear anything (“have a swig of that ale you’ve got there and you won’t hear a thing”).
  The music is lively; famous bards and dancers perform at the tavern every night. During the day, bards looking to get famous perform.
  There are usually enough people on the tables, but there’s always space available.
  The lounge’s floors are wood and absorb the sound of footsteps. The tables and chairs are made of fine, strong wood, and have vines growing around the legs.
    • Basic: 2 sp
    • Fine: 5 sp
    • Excellent: 8 sp

    • Basic: 3 sp
    • Fine: 7 sp to 10 sp
    • Excellent: 15 sp to 30 sp

  Liquor and tonics
    • Low potency: 3 sp
    • Potent: 6 sp to 10 sp
    • Extremely potent: 15 sp to 25 sp

    • Appetizers: 4 sp
    • Entrees: 6 sp to 15 sp
    • Desserts: 5 sp
    • Grub: 2 sp
    • VIP three-course dinners: 50 sp per person

Purpose / Function

One of Stahlia’s most popular taverns frequented by spellcasters, mystics and necromancers. Also one of the few taverns that welcome casters with open arms. Usually the “it” place for spellcasters of all kinds, but also attracts politicians, high-ranking state casters, dealmakers and conspirators due to the privacy of the VIP floor and the private suites.


The single-floor building is made of stone and wood walls, highly inspired by ancient elven architecture.    There are 17 tables and 5 booths in the main lounge in addition to 6 private dining suites (capacity: 4 to 6), 2 grouping rooms (capacity: 20) and a VIP floor. Patrons can set up a rendez-vous or private party in the grouping rooms, or have a private dinner in the dining suites. The VIP floor is generally only open to members of the region’s main Caster associations (they have to present their credentials at the door to the club or have a key). However, if a VIP has rented the entire floor for an occasion, only their guests can enter.   The VIP floor (underground) has two separate entrances: either in the tavern (a guarded door) or through an underground passage 15 feet away from the tavern accessible with a key. The VIP floor has a fancier lounge with 10 tables and 4 private suites.   Also has: a quest board, a magic supplies counter (common items), live music and dancers, games


City guards are usually kept at bay by the barkeep or the owner.   There are 3 rotating shifts of a pair of half-orc or human guards at the VIP entrance. There is also a pair of guards at the door of the owner’s office.
Alternative Names
spook-kitchen, the cursed club, the sacred joint
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location

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