Mepletine Material in Siliverse | World Anvil
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Mepletine is a fairly common metal


Material Characteristics

Mepletine is very reflective and looks a lot like a mix of iron and silver, but it has a slightly bluer hue that looks a bit dull.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mepletine is very light, fairly easy to mold repeatedly in cables or sheets as thin as a fraction of a millimeter. It has high thermal and electric conductivity and tends to be at the same temperature as the surrounding environment. Once it has cooled it becomes as hard as steel and quite difficult to break.

Geology & Geography

Mepletine can be found in the Ayar Mountains, but it is deep into the mines and therefore inconvenient. It's usually imported from the House of Splithammers that controlled the mines of the Southern Oþas.

Origin & Source

Mepletine is usually found near pools or streams of raw magic deep in the mountains, where the pressure combined with the magic creates a new unique metal.

Life & Expiration

Mepletine isn't everlasting. Like most metals, it creates rust when in contact with water for too long, but starts deteriorating after 14 years of little use or 9 years of constant use. Luckily, it can be remoulded, but only up to four times before it becomes too weak to keep it's form.

History & Usage

Everyday use

The most common use for this metal is weapons, but it is often used for other everyday objects that otherwise would weigh too much, such as those for farming.

Manufacturing & Products

Weapons (Swords of any type, spear-points, arrow-points)
Farm tools (vanghe, aratri)

Reusability & Recycling

It can be remoulded up to four times before it loses its proprieties.


Trade & Market

It is usually sold by smiths that are part of the Warsmith Corporation, but there are exceptions made for members of the Fieldsmith Corporation. These are usually found in capitals and big cities, that serve as base-points for military camps and farming companies.


4 Nv, 4 Gy, 4 Ed per kilo (0,38 €)
Fairly common
Dull light-blue
3500 kg/m3
Common State

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