Tusari Ethnicity in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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The Tusari people are a collection of nomadic barbarian tribes who roam the Skythorn Plains of northern Vesra. They are broken up into five major tribes, mostly along aspect lines, and most Tusari are either members of one of these tribes or of a smaller tribe that is a subject of one of these tribes.

Most Tusari are followers of the Path of the One Spirit.  


Ability Score Increase See Shifter
Size Medium
Speed 30'

See Shifter

Languages. You can speak Tusari, Common and one other language of choice.


Tusari Tribes


Coyote Tribe (Ryo)

  Perhaps the largest tribe the Coyote Tribe is one of the few that except outsiders and those of a different aspect. They are the most civilized of the tribes and the only one that is not nomadic, instead living a non-nomadic life spread out in the city, towns and villages. The tribe is mostly comprised of traders and craftsmen .   Aspects Allowed: Any  

Drake Tribe (Tyu)

The Drake Tribe roam the northern plains on horseback, living in their tents and never bringing more then they and their horse can carry.   Aspects Allowed: Longtooth only  

Firebird Tribe (Aya)

The Firebird Tribe roam the eastern coastal plains on horseback with clans travelling between a number of seasonal camps.   Aspects Allowed: Wildhunt only  

Griffin Tribe (Eya)

The Griffin Tribe roam the southern plains in wagon caravans.   Aspects Allowed: Swiftstride only  

Spirit Walker Tribe (Pyo)

The Spirit Walker Tribe live in the northern highlands and mountains in a semi nomadic life. They typically travel between their winter and summer villages following the caribou and other herds..   Aspects Allowed: Beasthide only  

Naming Traditions

  Among the Tusari names not only who they are but where they came from and their linage. Their names always come in three parts, the first part is their family or clan name, the second their tribe name and the third is their use-name.   Example: Breeth Aya Moonshadow (Clan Name | Tribe Name | Use-Name)  

Clan Name

  A Tusari's clan or family name is the name they go by among strangers.  

Tribe Name

  Each tribe has their own special tribe name and all Tusari use that name as their middle name.  


  A Tusari's use-name is the name they go by in everyday life and what their friends and family refer to them as. It is typically something that describes them and their personality in an abstract form and is first chosen sometime between the ages of 14 to 16 and can sometimes change when they experience a major upheaval in their life. Some examples of use-names are: Windsong, Moonshadow, Sundancer, Treewalker or Sunraven.


Funerary and Memorial customs

Among the Tusari it is believed that when one dies the body must be burned to allow the spirit to escape to go into the afterlife. A Tusari whose body is not burned after death is consigned to never reach the afterlife but instead their spirit will roam the world as a vengeful spirit, haunting and seeking to harm the living.

Common Taboos

The Tusari are a superstitious people seeing omens and warnings in many things, they believe the world is always speaking to them and if they watch for the signs and take heed they can avoid displeasing the gods and spirits.

Historical figures

Though each tribe and clan have many historical figures that they revere for their great deeds their is only one who is revered by all Tusari. Jalei Eya Ryo Moonfeather lived many centuries ago and managed to unite the tribes under his leadership to defeat the dark necromancer Leath and his undead army. During the war to defeat the necromancer nearly half of the men of the tribes died and the necromancer and his tribe was wiped out to a man and their forest lands burned. Leath's tribe is only spoken of as the accursed, their name removed from all writings, histories and tales of the people. Jalei Eya Ryo Moonfeather is revered as the greatest leader and warrior of the Tusari and the birth father of the Coyote Tribe.

Cultural Opinions

  Khol: They are stuffy, overbearing and obsessed with themselves.

Sargath: Worthy friends and enemies, true warrior brothers.

Shkarn: They are trustworthy, loyal allies and great fun at parties.

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