Magical Paths in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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Magical Paths

Over the many millennia of the practice of magic six major paths of magic have been developed, each of which is unique enough to require a read magic spell for practitioners of another path to understand. Each path also records their magic in a different way using a specific medium.  


Practitioners: Tusari, Sargath
Spellbook: Beadwork


Practitioners: Aos, Dorvai, Hastur
Spellbook: Books or scrolls (Hastur)


Practitioners: Khol, Shkarn
Spellbook: Engraved and etched bronze plates


Practitioners: Dragons, Rylesh
Spellbook: Carved crystals and gemstones


Practitioners: Xodan, Goblinoids, Orcs
Spellbook: Carved and engraved bone and ivory


Practitioners: Ashii, O'lykii, Fae, Khine
Spellbook: Painted and illustrated cards

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