Kobold Species in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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Kobold's are a race of small warm blooded draconian humanoids that inhabit the underground depths of Aondair's mountains.  Their are three different races of Kobolds exist and live together.  It is not known what type of Kobold is to be hatched until after they are born , though it is believed that somehow the tribes need determines the birthrate of the various types, and each type occupies a different place in Kobold society.  The three races are Daka (common Kobold), Gakn (High Kobold)and Urd (winged Kobold). The three occupy different places in Kobold society with the Daka being the most common type and acting as the commoner, the Gakn being leaders, warlords and priests while the Urds are typically scouts.   Kobolds tend to worship and serve dragons (of any variety) whenever they can and a tribes alignment alters to match that of the dragon they serve.  They believe that they were once dragons themselves and that they were cursed by the Dwarves so that they could steal their treasure. Due to this they have a great hatred for Dwarves of all types (Khol, Shkarn, etc...) and as they tend to compete for similar territory and resources.     Kobolds are a untrusted by most other races and in many places have standing bounties on their heads.

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