Fear & Horror Table in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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Fear & Horror Table

Roll 1d12 Result Explanation and Effect
1 - 3 Fight You must use your movement each turn to position yourself within weapon attack range against the subject of you fear. While under this effect you cannot take any movement actions away from subject the subject of your fear. On your turn, you must take the Attack action against the subject of your fear if it is within weapon range. You may repeat this saving throw at the end of every turn, on a success this effect ends, otherwise the effect lasts for 1 minute or until the object of your fear is dead.
4 - 6 Focus You have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls wile the focus of your fear remains within sight and may not willingly move closer towards the object of your fear. You may repeat this saving throw at the end of every turn, on a success this effect ends, otherwise the effect lasts for 1 minute or until the object of your fear is dead.
7 - 9 Flight You must use your movement each turn to move as far as possible away from the object of your fear. You must take the Dash action on your turn if you are able to see the subject of your fear. If you are no longer able to see the subject of your fear you may also take the Hide action. You may repeat this saving throw at the end of every turn, on a success this effect ends, otherwise the effect lasts for 1 minute or until the object of your fear is dead.
10 - 12 Freeze Your movement speed becomes 0 and you have disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks.You may repeat this saving throw at the end of every turn, on a success this effect ends, otherwise the effect lasts for 1 minute or until the object of your fear is dead.

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