Ashii Ethnicity in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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The Ashii are a Fae people who believe in the chaos and unpredictability of the world, nature and the heavens. They disdain most structure and laws and believe that one must make their way through the world by guile and might. The Ashii tend to give their loyalty to only their own family or clan and only come together as a whole to defend their forests from outsider. Dispite their natural tendency towards deception the Ashii try to avoid outright lying and oath-breaking is considered a high crime among the Ashii.   During the day Ashii tend to live a somewhat primitive lives in their magical forests, spending their time hunting, fishing and raiding other clans but at night they host grand celebrations and parties in magical glades and castles in the sky, the equal of any in the most civilized lands.   The Ashii are distant cousins of the Rylesh from the magical forests and mountains of the Wyldwood. Ashii are typically distrustful of their Rylesh kindred due to the way the Rylesh were twisted by the magic of Vesh'as'Kel during the last great war.   Ashii are usually followers of Church of the Laughing Hand.  


Ability Score Increase See Eladrin
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

See Eladrin

Languages. You can speak Ashii, Sylvan, and Common.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Most Ashii typically have a number of tattoos that signify important parts of their life, clan, victories, celebrations, and failures.

Cultural Opinions

  Khol: They are uptight and need to learn to have a little of fun, very trustworthy.

Rylesh: They have been corrupted by the curse, they are weak willed and cannot be trusted.

Sargath: They are vicious brutes, easily manipulated and controlled.

Tusari: They are ignorant barbarians, but entertaining.
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