Rekati Hegemony Organization in Sidereal Wars | World Anvil
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Rekati Hegemony

The Rekati Hegemony is an autocratic state in which the Hegemon rules with the support of his Tekari, or councilors. Each Tekar is appointed only after years of faithful service to the Hegemony. The Hegemon is chosen from the Tekari. Strong institutions exist to ensure society runs smoothly and the rule of law is central to Rekati culture. Their culture is extremely hierarchical and regimented. The Rekati military is well known for its discipline, and the hegemony houses some of the greatest engineers in the galaxy. Rekati expansionism has put them at odds with many other powers, but they enjoy warm relations with the Mandate due to the Rekati propensity for piety and the Be’ali hope that the Rekati military can check any hostile move by the Aggosians.
Geopolitical, Empire
Neighboring Nations

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